Choral Scholarship Scheme


Vacancies for all voices 

The Parish of Esher is launching a choral scholarship scheme to run alongside its two organ scholarships. We wish to appoint Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass choral scholars (ideally one per voice) to sing as part of its main parish choir of adult volunteers as well as independently. The scheme is particularly intended for young musicians of sixth form or university age, but we will consider applications from people at any stage in their musical careers.

The four choral scholarships form part of a new scheme to refresh and enhance our parish music set-up and is designed to give our parish choir greater strength in depth across all voices, allowing more flexibility with divisi repertoire and more secure cover when volunteer singers are absent.  Each scholarship is worth up to £1k per year, payable in three £300 termly instalments in arrears, with a £100 bonus available for undertaking  premium commitments over the Christmas and Easter periods.   

The choral scholars will be offered every opportunity to broaden their vocal experience, though regular singing with the full choir; solo parts in anthems;  singing freestanding solo repertoire at appropriate points in worship services; first refusal on vocal input for weddng and funeral engagements; and the opportunity, if desired, to give a solo Music on the Green recital at Esher and a lunchtime recital in central London.   

Each scholarship is initially awarded for a period of up to 12 months and may be renewed for appropriate further periods up to a normal maximum of three years.

Applications and enquiries

Expressions of interest, or requests for further information, should be made directly to the Parish Director of Music (Stuart Whatton, FRCO) who may be contacted via 462282.