Fibonacci String Quartet
Wednesday 19 May 2021, 1.15pm
The Fibonacci Quartet, offering us a programme of Mozart and Mendelssohn, brings together budding Swedish, Belgian, Czech and Montenegrin string players who last year won both the Beethoven Competition for Young Musicians and the Saint James Chamber Music Competition.
Join us for our very first live concert of 2021! No need to book but COVID restrictions apply. Face masks must be worn and details will be taken for track and trace. Sadly we cannot offer lunch yet. We look forward to welcoming you in-person to Christ Church is you can make it. Thank you.
Concert from 1.15pm. Free entry, retiring collection.
Watch it later on our ‘Music on the Green Esher’ YouTube channel
The programme will be uploaded to this page nearer to the concert date.
Online donations welcome on our JustGiving page