Parochial Church Council

Parish of Esher Parochial Church Council
The Parish of Esher Parochial Church Council (PCC) provides an official, partly-elected team that shares leadership responsibility for the Parish with its Rector.

Relationship with the Rector
It is the shared responsibility to consult on all matters of general concern and importance to the Parish. Together we co-operate to promote and provide leadership of the whole mission of the Church:
in prayer – always open to God.
in pastoral ways - looking after others and each other.
in evangelistic ways - sharing the Good News of Christ and inviting people to share in God’s saving love for all.
in social concern - helping all in need, especially disadvantaged and persecuted members of society, and all who are poor in spirit.
ecumenically - encouraging good relationships with other Christian denominations.
This requires mutual support, understanding and an open consideration of aspirations, ideas and plans, leading to shared ownership of vision and strategy for growth.

Relationship with the congregation
It is the shared responsibility of the PCC to be constantly aware of the needs, hopes and views of the congregation and to enable mutual communication so that people know they are fairly represented and considered. This is particularly important for members voted into place by those who trust them to represent their interests and concerns.

An inclusive vision
The PCC will focus principally on how to optimise the church’s mission and purpose - including work with children, families, young people, adult nurture, worship, and outreach – and the provision of appropriate resources to enable the agreed vision. It will seek to discern God’s evolving vision for the parish and how to bring that vision into being.

General areas of responsibility
The wider church - deanery and diocese.
The buildings and possessions of the parish.
Financial matters.
Appointment of a new incumbent.

Membership of the PCC - ex officio, elected, co-opted
Those with automatic membership (ex officio) are:
all priests, deacons, deaconesses or lay workers licensed to the Parish.
the churchwardens.
anyone on the electoral roll who is on the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synods.
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) can decide that some or all Readers will be members, or alternatively Readers may stand for election.
Elected members are voted on at the APCM.
To be eligible for the PCC you must be over 16, on the electoral roll, and be confirmed or ready to be so.
Extra members may be co-opted by the PCC during the year under certain conditions.
PCC membership is usually for three years, with one third of the members retiring every year, but the APCM may choose to elect all members every year.
Diocesan and Deanery Synod members are elected for three years.
Current members of the Parish of Esher PCC are: 

PCC meetings
Meetings are held at least four times a year at regular intervals.
Except in an emergency, at least ten days notice is given.
The incumbent will chair the meeting, but the lay vice chair may do so for part or all of the agenda.
Participation in meetings should be a high priority for all members.
Minutes of the meeting will be prepared by the PCC Secretary with agreed decisions and action points.
The PCC can decide to vote on issues with the chair having a casting vote. Voting is by simple majority, normally by show of hands.
The Standing Committee of the PCC - incumbent, churchwardens and at least two others appointed by the PCC - plans the agenda and deals with urgent matters between main meetings.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
These meetings take place once a year and can be attended by all those on the electoral roll. Prior to the meeting a annual report is published. All recent Parish of Esher annual reports are attached below.