Special Services

Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist

Ash Wednesday Choral Eucharist 
Christ Church, Esher
Wednesday 5 March 2025, 8pm

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday.

The cross of ash reminds us of our human frailty, and assures us of God’s steadfast love.

Candlemas Service

Feast of Candlemas 
Old St George’s Church, Esher
Sunday 2 February, 6pm

At this time of year we mark the Feast of Candlemas, one of the oldest Christian festivals, with reflective music including a setting of the evening canticles. 

Christingle Service

Christingle Service
Sunday 1 December, 10.30am
Christ Church, Esher

Join us at our All Age Christingle Service with Holy Communion to celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World.

A favourite with all ages, this service gets its name from the Christingle oranges that explore the story of God’s love for the world at Christmas. The orange represents the world. The red ribbon symbolises the love and blood of Christ. The sweets represent all of God’s creations. The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world.


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